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In the webshop drawings for sale | Selling pictures online drawings for sale in the webshop - Selling simple book pictures, fairy tale illustrations and popular proverbs from pastel and charcoal drawingsTöbbször ellátogatott már erre az oldalra. Az utolsó látogatás ideje: 2025.02.22.

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<h1> In Doart webshop simple drawings for sale | Selling pictures online</h1>

<h2> Drawings for sale in the DoArt webshop - Selling simple book pictures, fairy tale illustrations and popular proverbs from pastel and charcoal drawings</h2>

<h3> In the DoArt webshop drawings for sale | Selling pictures online.

Tag Cloud:
simple book pictures, fairy tale illustrations and popular proverbs from pastel and charcoal drawings</h3>

Az oldalon megtalálható a <h1>fő</h1> címsor!
Az oldalon megtalálható a <h2> címsor!
Az oldalon megtalálható a <h3> címsor!

Összesen 3 elfogadott szabály!

A(z) <h3> In the DoArt webshop drawings for sale | Selling pictures online. Tag Cloud: simple book pictures, fairy tale illustrations and popular proverbs from pastel and charcoal drawings</h3> címben nem szerepelhet a(z) <br> tag!

Nem ajánlott, ha a headingekben HTML tag található!

A(z) <h3> In the DoArt webshop drawings for sale | Selling pictures online. Tag Cloud: simple book pictures, fairy tale illustrations and popular proverbs from pastel and charcoal drawings</h3> címben nem szerepelhet a(z) <br> tag!

Nem ajánlott, ha a headingekben HTML tag található!

A(z) <h3> In the DoArt webshop drawings for sale | Selling pictures online. Tag Cloud: simple book pictures, fairy tale illustrations and popular proverbs from pastel and charcoal drawings</h3> címben nem szerepelhet a(z) <br> tag!

Nem ajánlott, ha a headingekben HTML tag található!

Összesen 3 hiba!

Dublin Core

<meta name="DC.title" content="In the webshop drawings for sale | Selling pictures online">

<meta name="DC.description" content="Art drawings for sale in the webshop - Selling simple book pictures, fairy tale illustrations and popular proverbs from pastel and charcoal drawings">

<meta name="DC.identifier" content="">

<meta name="DC.subject" content="Drawings for sale webshop">

<meta name="DC.creatorName" content="Susanne Doszkocs">

<meta name="DC.creatorName.Address" content="art (@)">

<meta name="" content="2008-01-01">

<meta name="DC.format" content="html">

<meta name="DC.type" content="website">

<meta name="DC.coverage" content="Budapest">

<meta name="DC.language" content="en">

Weboldal használja a Dublin Core szabályt!

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Open Graph

<meta property="og:locale" content="en_EN">

<meta property="og:title" content="In the webshop drawings for sale | Selling pictures online">

<meta property="og:description" content="Art drawings for sale in the webshop - Selling simple book pictures, fairy tale illustrations and popular proverbs from pastel and charcoal drawings">

<meta property="og:image" content="">

<meta property="og:image:alt" content="Hand with a purple grapevine pruning shear, cutting">

<meta property="og:url" content="">

<meta property="og:site_name" content="Drawings for sale webshop">

<meta property="og:locality" content="Budapest">

<meta property="og:postal-code" content="1121">

<meta property="og:country-name" content="Hungary">

<meta property="og:email" content="art (@)">

<meta property="og:phone_number" content="+36307425832">

<meta property="og:type" content="website">

Weboldal használja az Open Graph szabályt!

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A HTML kód valid!

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Flash tartalom
Nem található flash tartalom az oldalon!

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<link href=""> (0 bytes)

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A(z) stílusfájl nem található!
A(z) stílusfájl nem található!

Összesen 3 hiba!

Kulcsszó (2 szavas)dbTitleDescHead
$90 rusyn14
in the10
charcoal drawings6
of the6
and charcoal6
pastel and6
pastel drawings5
for sale5
$75 the4
drawings are4
Kulcsszó (3 szavas)dbTitleDescHead
pastel and charcoal6
drawings for sale5
$90 rusyn church4
charcoal drawings are3
book pictures fairy3
village and town3
lion and the3
line of the3
popular proverbs from3
tale illustrations and3
Oldalon található videók
Nincs <video> tag az oldalon

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Van faviconja az oldalnak!
Links use descriptive anchor text!
Van(nak) schema eleme(i) az oldalnak: 3x Product, 3x Brand, 3x Review, 3x Person, 3x AggregateRating, 3x Offer
Max Image Preview Settings tag szerepel a forráskódban!
Van szerzője az oldalnak: - Szerző: index

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Túl sok link van az oldalon (87db)!
A linkek az alábbi helyeken nem tartalmazzák a hreflang attribútumot!

- <a onclick="plusSlides(-1)" id="bal">
- <a onclick="plusSlides(1)" id="jobb">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("kezek/07-kez-a-kezben"," Hand in hand "," Charcoal Drawing on paper 40 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 50 x 40 "," 2012 "," 85 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("egyeb/12-rakoczi-munkacsi-var-pasztell-rajz-papiron-doszkocs-pro-patria"," Pro patria "," Mix (Charcoal + Pastel) on paper 40 x 30, cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 50 x 40 "," 2011 "," 95 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("allatok-szenrajzok/18-allatok-szenrajzok-papiron-vizparton-doszkocs-zsuzsa-futo-lo"," Running horse "," Mix (Charcoal + Acrylic) on paper 40 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2008 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("allatok-szenrajzok/29-allatok-szenrajzok-vizen-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-hattyu-tava"," Swan Lake "," Mix (Charcoal + Acrylic) on paper 40 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 50 x 40 "," 2023 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("allatok-szenrajzok/27-allatok-szenrajzok-oroszlan-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-harom-kiralyok"," The Three Kings "," Charcoal Drawing on paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2015"," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("kozmondasok/07-egyik-szeme"," One eye is crying, the other is laughing "," Charcoal drawing on paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2015 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("emberek-aktok/19-reggeli-fenyben"," In the morning light "," Charcoal drawing on paper 40 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 50 x 40 "," 2023 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("allatok-szenrajzok/31-allatok-szenrajzok-tacsko-kutya-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-tacsi"," Dachshund "," Mix (Charcoal + Pastel) on paper 30 x 40 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 50 "," 2023 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("allatok-szenrajzok/30-allatok-szenrajzok-szomoru-papiron-doszkocs-ausztral-juhaszkutya"," Australian Shepherd "," Charcoal drawing on paper 30 x 40 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 50 "," 2023 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("allatok-szenrajzok/28-allatok-szenrajzok-kutya-piros-sziv-lufi-papiron-doszkocs-merenges"," Pondering "," Mix (Charcoal + Acrylic) on paper 30 x 40 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 50 "," 2023 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("emberek-szenrajzok/10-napernyos"," Girl with a parasol "," Charcoal drawing on paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 30 x 40 "," 2010 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("egyeb/18-reggeli-asztal-pasztell-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-terulj-asztalkam"," Spread my table "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2015 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("kezek/08-szureteles","Grape harvesting"," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2015 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("allatok-pasztell/40-allatok-pasztell-rajz-csibe-tojas-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-tyuk"," Hen and chick "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2010 "," 75")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("allatok-pasztell/39-liba"," Goose "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2010 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("allatok-pasztell/02-allatok-pasztell-rajz-roka-nyul-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-vadaszat"," Hunting "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 35 x 25 "," 1997 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("allatok-pasztell/04-allatok-pasztell-rajz-szarvasbika-papiron-doszkocs-legelo-szarvasok"," Grazing Stags "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 35 x 25 "," 1997 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("emberek/16-futo"," The runner "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2021 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("emberek/18-locsolas"," Easter sprinkling "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2021 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("emberek/17-beteglatogatas"," Patient visit "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2021 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("emberek-aktok/15-par"," A man and a woman "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2011 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("emberek-aktok/12-bajos-par"," A charming couple "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2011 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("viragok/17-csokor-voros-borral"," Bouquet with red wine "," Pastel Drawing on Paper "," 30 x 40 "," 2002 "," 125 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("viragok/22-rozsasan"," Rosy "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 30 x 40 "," 2021 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok/05-kakas-3"," Furnace "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 30 x 40 "," 2021 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("allatok-pasztell/08-allatok-pasztell-rajz-gepardok-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-figyelem"," Attention "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 25 x 35 "," 1998 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("allatok-pasztell/21-allatok-pasztell-rajz-maci-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-koala-maganya"," Koala"s Loneliness "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 25 x 35 "," 2001 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("emberek/15-gesa"," The warrior geisha "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 40 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 35 x 45 "," 2021 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("emberek/19-a-nagy-zabalas"," The great devouring "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 30 x 40 "," 2021 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("emberek-aktok/14-noi-akt"," Stretching Woman "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 30 x 40 "," 2011 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/20-ruszin-templom-20"," Rusyn Church 5 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 50 x 40 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/19-ruszin-templom-19"," Rusyn Church 6 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 50 x 40 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/17-ruszin-templom-17"," Rusyn Church 8 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 50 x 40 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/16-ruszin-templom-16"," Rusyn Church 9 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 50 x 40 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/08-ruszin-templom-8"," Rusyn Church 17 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 50 x 40 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/07-ruszin-templom-7"," Rusyn Church 18 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 50 x 40 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/05-ruszin-templom-5"," Rusyn Church 20 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 50 x 40 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/01-ruszin-templom-1"," Rusyn Church 24 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 50 x 40 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/24-ruszin-templom-24"," Rusyn Church 1 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 50 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/18-ruszin-templom-18"," Rusyn Church 7 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 50 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/13-ruszin-templom-13"," Rusyn Church 12 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 50 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/12-ruszin-templom-12"," Rusyn Church 13 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 50 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/06-ruszin-templom-6"," Rusyn Church 19 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 50 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/04-ruszin-templom-4"," Rusyn Church 21 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 50 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("ruszin-templomok/03-ruszin-templom-3"," Rusyn Church 22 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 50 "," 2002 "," 90 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/03-matyas-1"," King Matthias School 3/1 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 17.5 x 25 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 25 x 35 "," 2020 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/02-matyas-2"," King Matthias School 3/2 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 17.5 x 25 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 25 x 35 "," 2020 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/01-matyas-3"," King Matthias School 3/3 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 17.5 x 25 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 25 x 35 "," 2020 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/08-falu-es-varos-1"," Ferenc Móra: Village and town 4/1 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 25 x 17.5 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 35 x 25 "," 2020 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/09-falu-es-varos-2"," Ferenc Móra: Village and town 4/2 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 25 x 17.5 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 35 x 25 "," 2020 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekenc Móra: Village and town (short story in 4 pictureshez-3/10-falu-es-varos-3"," Ferenc Móra: Village and town 4/3 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 25 x 17.5 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 35 x 25 "," 2020 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/11-falu-es-varos-4"," Ferenc Móra: Village and town 4/4 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 25 x 17.5 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 35 x 25 "," 2020 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/20-ady-1"," Endre Ady: In a café 4/1 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 25 x 17.5 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 35 x 25 "," 2020 "," 60 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/21-ady-2"," Endre Ady: In a café 4/2 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 25 x 17.5 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 35 x 25 "," 2020 "," 60 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/22-ady-3"," Endre Ady: In a café 4/3 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 17.5 x 25 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 25 x 35 "," 2020 "," 60 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/23-ady-4"," Endre Ady: In a café 4/4 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 17.5 x 25 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 25 x 35 "," 2020 "," 60 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/16-az-oroszlan-es-az-eger-1"," The lion and the mouse 4/1 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2019 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/17-az-oroszlan-es-az-eger-2"," The lion and the mouse 4/2 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 40 x 30 "," 2019 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/18-az-oroszlan-es-az-eger-3"," The lion and the mouse 4/3 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 30 x 40 "," 2019 "," 75 ")">
- <a onclick="ablaknyit("illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/19-az-oroszlan-es-az-eger-4"," The lion and the mouse 4/4 "," Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout "," 30 x 40 "," 2019 "," 75 ")">
- <a id="cookies" onclick="myFunction()">

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<title>In the webshop drawings for sale | Selling pictures online</title>

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A(z) &lt;a &gt;   Shop &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
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A(z) &lt;a &gt; About me &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;plusSlides(-1)&quot; id=&quot;bal&quot;&gt; Back &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
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A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;kezek/07-kez-a-kezben&quot;,&quot; Hand in hand &quot;,&quot; Charcoal Drawing on paper 40 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 50 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2012 &quot;,&quot; 85 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Hand in hand $85 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;egyeb/12-rakoczi-munkacsi-var-pasztell-rajz-papiron-doszkocs-pro-patria&quot;,&quot; Pro patria &quot;,&quot; Mix (Charcoal + Pastel) on paper 40 x 30, cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 50 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2011 &quot;,&quot; 95 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Pro patria $95 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;allatok-szenrajzok/18-allatok-szenrajzok-papiron-vizparton-doszkocs-zsuzsa-futo-lo&quot;,&quot; Running horse &quot;,&quot; Mix (Charcoal + Acrylic) on paper 40 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2008 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Running horse $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;allatok-szenrajzok/29-allatok-szenrajzok-vizen-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-hattyu-tava&quot;,&quot; Swan Lake &quot;,&quot; Mix (Charcoal + Acrylic) on paper 40 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 50 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2023 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Swan Lake $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;allatok-szenrajzok/27-allatok-szenrajzok-oroszlan-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-harom-kiralyok&quot;,&quot; The Three Kings &quot;,&quot; Charcoal Drawing on paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2015&quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; The Three Kings $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;kozmondasok/07-egyik-szeme&quot;,&quot; One eye is crying, the other is laughing &quot;,&quot; Charcoal drawing on paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2015 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; One eye is crying $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;emberek-aktok/19-reggeli-fenyben&quot;,&quot; In the morning light &quot;,&quot; Charcoal drawing on paper 40 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 50 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2023 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; In the morning light $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;allatok-szenrajzok/31-allatok-szenrajzok-tacsko-kutya-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-tacsi&quot;,&quot; Dachshund &quot;,&quot; Mix (Charcoal + Pastel) on paper 30 x 40 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 50 &quot;,&quot; 2023 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Dachs- hund $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;allatok-szenrajzok/30-allatok-szenrajzok-szomoru-papiron-doszkocs-ausztral-juhaszkutya&quot;,&quot; Australian Shepherd &quot;,&quot; Charcoal drawing on paper 30 x 40 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 50 &quot;,&quot; 2023 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Australian Shepherd $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;allatok-szenrajzok/28-allatok-szenrajzok-kutya-piros-sziv-lufi-papiron-doszkocs-merenges&quot;,&quot; Pondering &quot;,&quot; Mix (Charcoal + Acrylic) on paper 30 x 40 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 50 &quot;,&quot; 2023 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Pondering $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;emberek-szenrajzok/10-napernyos&quot;,&quot; Girl with a parasol &quot;,&quot; Charcoal drawing on paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 30 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2010 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Girl with a parasol $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;egyeb/18-reggeli-asztal-pasztell-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-terulj-asztalkam&quot;,&quot; Spread my table &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2015 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Spread my table $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;kezek/08-szureteles&quot;,&quot;Grape harvesting&quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2015 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Grape harvesting $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;allatok-pasztell/40-allatok-pasztell-rajz-csibe-tojas-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-tyuk&quot;,&quot; Hen and chick &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2010 &quot;,&quot; 75&quot;)&quot;&gt; Hen and chick $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;allatok-pasztell/39-liba&quot;,&quot; Goose &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2010 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Goose $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;allatok-pasztell/02-allatok-pasztell-rajz-roka-nyul-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-vadaszat&quot;,&quot; Hunting &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 35 x 25 &quot;,&quot; 1997 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Hunting $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;allatok-pasztell/04-allatok-pasztell-rajz-szarvasbika-papiron-doszkocs-legelo-szarvasok&quot;,&quot; Grazing Stags &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 35 x 25 &quot;,&quot; 1997 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Grazing Stags $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;emberek/16-futo&quot;,&quot; The runner &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2021 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; The runner $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;emberek/18-locsolas&quot;,&quot; Easter sprinkling &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2021 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Easter sprinkling $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;emberek/17-beteglatogatas&quot;,&quot; Patient visit &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2021 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Patient visit $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;emberek-aktok/15-par&quot;,&quot; A man and a woman &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2011 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; A man and a woman $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;emberek-aktok/12-bajos-par&quot;,&quot; A charming couple &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2011 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; A charming couple $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;viragok/17-csokor-voros-borral&quot;,&quot; Bouquet with red wine &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper &quot;,&quot; 30 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 125 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Bouquet with red wine $125 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;viragok/22-rozsasan&quot;,&quot; Rosy &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 30 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2021 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rosy $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok/05-kakas-3&quot;,&quot; Furnace &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 30 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2021 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Furnace $75&lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;allatok-pasztell/08-allatok-pasztell-rajz-gepardok-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-figyelem&quot;,&quot; Attention &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 25 x 35 &quot;,&quot; 1998 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Attention $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;allatok-pasztell/21-allatok-pasztell-rajz-maci-papiron-doszkocs-zsuzsa-koala-maganya&quot;,&quot; Koala&quot;s Loneliness &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 25 x 35 &quot;,&quot; 2001 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;img src=&quot;; alt=&quot;. Koala&quot;s Loneliness. &quot; title=&quot; Click on the image &quot; loading=&quot;lazy&quot; width=&quot;170&quot; height=&quot;240&quot;&gt; Koala's Loneliness $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;emberek/15-gesa&quot;,&quot; The warrior geisha &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 40 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 35 x 45 &quot;,&quot; 2021 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; The warrior geisha $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;emberek/19-a-nagy-zabalas&quot;,&quot; The great devouring &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 30 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2021 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; The great devouring $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;emberek-aktok/14-noi-akt&quot;,&quot; Stretching Woman &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 30 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2011 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Stretching Woman $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/20-ruszin-templom-20&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 5 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 50 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 5 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/19-ruszin-templom-19&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 6 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 50 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 6 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/17-ruszin-templom-17&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 8 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 50 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 8 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/16-ruszin-templom-16&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 9 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 50 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 9 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/08-ruszin-templom-8&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 17 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 50 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 17 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/07-ruszin-templom-7&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 18 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 50 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 18 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/05-ruszin-templom-5&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 20 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 50 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 20 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/01-ruszin-templom-1&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 24 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 50 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 24 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/24-ruszin-templom-24&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 1 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 50 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 1 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/18-ruszin-templom-18&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 7 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 50 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 7 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/13-ruszin-templom-13&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 12 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 50 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 12 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/12-ruszin-templom-12&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 13 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 50 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 13 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/06-ruszin-templom-6&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 19 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 50 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 19 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/04-ruszin-templom-4&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 21 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 50 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 21 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;ruszin-templomok/03-ruszin-templom-3&quot;,&quot; Rusyn Church 22 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 50 &quot;,&quot; 2002 &quot;,&quot; 90 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Rusyn Church 22 $90 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/03-matyas-1&quot;,&quot; King Matthias School 3/1 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 17.5 x 25 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 25 x 35 &quot;,&quot; 2020 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; King Matthias School 3/1 $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/02-matyas-2&quot;,&quot; King Matthias School 3/2 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 17.5 x 25 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 25 x 35 &quot;,&quot; 2020 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; King Matthias School 3/2 $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/01-matyas-3&quot;,&quot; King Matthias School 3/3 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 17.5 x 25 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 25 x 35 &quot;,&quot; 2020 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; King Matthias School 3/3 $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/08-falu-es-varos-1&quot;,&quot; Ferenc Móra: Village and town 4/1 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 25 x 17.5 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 35 x 25 &quot;,&quot; 2020 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Ferenc Móra: Village and town 4/1 $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/09-falu-es-varos-2&quot;,&quot; Ferenc Móra: Village and town 4/2 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 25 x 17.5 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 35 x 25 &quot;,&quot; 2020 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Ferenc Móra: Village and town 4/2 $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekenc Móra: Village and town (short story in 4 pictureshez-3/10-falu-es-varos-3&quot;,&quot; Ferenc Móra: Village and town 4/3 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 25 x 17.5 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 35 x 25 &quot;,&quot; 2020 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Ferenc Móra: Village and town 4/3 $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/11-falu-es-varos-4&quot;,&quot; Ferenc Móra: Village and town 4/4 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 25 x 17.5 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 35 x 25 &quot;,&quot; 2020 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Ferenc Móra: Village and town 4/4 $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/20-ady-1&quot;,&quot; Endre Ady: In a café 4/1 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 25 x 17.5 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 35 x 25 &quot;,&quot; 2020 &quot;,&quot; 60 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Endre Ady: In a café 4/1 $60 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/21-ady-2&quot;,&quot; Endre Ady: In a café 4/2 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 25 x 17.5 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 35 x 25 &quot;,&quot; 2020 &quot;,&quot; 60 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Endre Ady: In a café 4/2 $60 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/22-ady-3&quot;,&quot; Endre Ady: In a café 4/3 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 17.5 x 25 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 25 x 35 &quot;,&quot; 2020 &quot;,&quot; 60 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Endre Ady: In a café 4/3 $60 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/23-ady-4&quot;,&quot; Endre Ady: In a café 4/4 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 17.5 x 25 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 25 x 35 &quot;,&quot; 2020 &quot;,&quot; 60 &quot;)&quot;&gt; Endre Ady: In a café 4/4 $60 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/16-az-oroszlan-es-az-eger-1&quot;,&quot; The lion and the mouse 4/1 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2019 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; The lion and the mouse 4/1 $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/17-az-oroszlan-es-az-eger-2&quot;,&quot; The lion and the mouse 4/2 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 30 x 21 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 40 x 30 &quot;,&quot; 2019 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; The lion and the mouse 4/2 $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a onclick=&quot;ablaknyit(&quot;illusztraciok-mesekhez-3/18-az-oroszlan-es-az-eger-3&quot;,&quot; The lion and the mouse 4/3 &quot;,&quot; Pastel Drawing on Paper 21 x 30 cm, Framed with Passe-partout &quot;,&quot; 30 x 40 &quot;,&quot; 2019 &quot;,&quot; 75 &quot;)&quot;&gt; The lion and the mouse 4/3 $75 &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
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