SEO ellenőrzése a 2024.08.08 napon

Az ingyenes SEO elemzésed elkészült.

Sajnos ezen még dolgozni érdemes. Weboldaladon rengeteg olyan hibát találtunk, amelyek megakadályozzák hogy a SEO-ból szép eredményeket érj el. Vedd fel velünk a kapcsolatot IDE kattintva, hogy orvosolhassuk ezeket, és felállíthassuk SEO stratégiád!


Összesített SEO eredmény


Mobilos használhatóság

Google előnézet

igitems - The gaming goods platform provides competitive pricing to the buyers driven by a free market economy while striving to keep the cost low for our sellers.Többször ellátogatott már erre az oldalra. Az utolsó látogatás ideje: 2024.10.14.

Vizsgált mutatók és eredmények


Technikai SEO


Onsite SEO


Offsite SEO

Technikai SEO
Az URL keresőbarát!
Nem található alulvonás az url-ben!
200-as válasz érkezett!
Nem található szóköz az url-ben!
Nem található ékezetes betű az url-ben!
Az url nem több 75 karakternél! (20/75)
Használja a biztonságos https protokollt!
Az urlben nincs floodolás!
A weboldal át van irányítva és csak egy URL címen érhető el:
A DNS névfeloldás rendben lezajlott, mindössze 0.421951 mp alatt.

Összesen 10 elfogadott szabály!

Remek az oldal használja a HTTP/2 protokollt!

Összesen 1 elfogadott szabály!

További meta adatok
Talált metaadatok:


Az oldal nem használ <meta name="keywords">-t
Az oldal használja a <link rel="canonical">-t

Összesen 3 elfogadott szabály!

0 db0 db0 db0 db0 db0 db
Sajnos hiányzik a <h1>fő</h1> címsor! <h1></h1>

Összesen 1 hiba!

Dublin Core

A weboldal nem használja a Dublin Core szabályt!

Összesen 1 hiba!

Open Graph

A weboldal nem használja a Open Graph szabályt!

Összesen 1 hiba!

The “type” attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.

A(z) 44 sorban

Consider avoiding viewport values that prevent users from resizing documents.

A(z) 50 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Icons” was here.

A(z) 92 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Subtract” was here.

A(z) 93 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Icons” was here.

A(z) 92 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Subtract” was here.

A(z) 93 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Icons” was here.

A(z) 92 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Subtract” was here.

A(z) 93 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Icons” was here.

A(z) 92 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Subtract” was here.

A(z) 93 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Icons” was here.

A(z) 92 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Subtract” was here.

A(z) 93 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Icons” was here.

A(z) 92 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Subtract” was here.

A(z) 93 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Icons” was here.

A(z) 92 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Subtract” was here.

A(z) 93 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Icons” was here.

A(z) 92 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Subtract” was here.

A(z) 93 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Icons” was here.

A(z) 92 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Subtract” was here.

A(z) 93 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Icons” was here.

A(z) 92 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Union” was here.

A(z) 67 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Icons” was here.

A(z) 92 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Union” was here.

A(z) 67 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “>” was here.

A(z) 180 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “>” was here.

A(z) 180 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “>” was here.

A(z) 180 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “>” was here.

A(z) 180 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “>” was here.

A(z) 180 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “>” was here.

A(z) 180 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “>” was here.

A(z) 180 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Footer Logos” was here.

A(z) 209 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Vector” was here.

A(z) 210 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Footer Logos” was here.

A(z) 209 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Vector” was here.

A(z) 210 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Footer Logos” was here.

A(z) 209 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Vector” was here.

A(z) 210 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Footer Logos” was here.

A(z) 209 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Footer Logos” was here.

A(z) 209 sorban

The first occurrence of ID “Subtract” was here.

A(z) 93 sorban

Összesen 40 figyelmeztetés!

Attribute “name” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.

A(z) 50 sorban

Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “itemprop”, “property”.

A(z) 50 sorban

Attribute “name” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.

A(z) 50 sorban

Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “itemprop”, “property”.

A(z) 50 sorban

Attribute “name” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.

A(z) 50 sorban

Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “itemprop”, “property”.

A(z) 50 sorban

Attribute “name” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.

A(z) 50 sorban

Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “itemprop”, “property”.

A(z) 50 sorban

Attribute “name” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.

A(z) 50 sorban

Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “itemprop”, “property”.

A(z) 50 sorban

Attribute “name” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.

A(z) 50 sorban

Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “itemprop”, “property”.

A(z) 50 sorban

A “link” element must not appear as a descendant of a “body” element unless the “link” element has an “itemprop” attribute or has a “rel” attribute whose value contains “dns-prefetch”, “modulepreload”, “pingback”, “preconnect”, “prefetch”, “preload”, “prerender”, or “stylesheet”.

A(z) 50 sorban

A “link” element must not appear as a descendant of a “body” element unless the “link” element has an “itemprop” attribute or has a “rel” attribute whose value contains “dns-prefetch”, “modulepreload”, “pingback”, “preconnect”, “prefetch”, “preload”, “prerender”, or “stylesheet”.

A(z) 50 sorban

A “link” element must not appear as a descendant of a “body” element unless the “link” element has an “itemprop” attribute or has a “rel” attribute whose value contains “dns-prefetch”, “modulepreload”, “pingback”, “preconnect”, “prefetch”, “preload”, “prerender”, or “stylesheet”.

A(z) 50 sorban

A “link” element must not appear as a descendant of a “body” element unless the “link” element has an “itemprop” attribute or has a “rel” attribute whose value contains “dns-prefetch”, “modulepreload”, “pingback”, “preconnect”, “prefetch”, “preload”, “prerender”, or “stylesheet”.

A(z) 50 sorban

A “link” element must not appear as a descendant of a “body” element unless the “link” element has an “itemprop” attribute or has a “rel” attribute whose value contains “dns-prefetch”, “modulepreload”, “pingback”, “preconnect”, “prefetch”, “preload”, “prerender”, or “stylesheet”.

A(z) 50 sorban

Attribute “name” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.

A(z) 50 sorban

Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “itemprop”, “property”.

A(z) 50 sorban

Attribute “name” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.

A(z) 50 sorban

Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “itemprop”, “property”.

A(z) 50 sorban

Attribute “name” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.

A(z) 50 sorban

Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “itemprop”, “property”.

A(z) 50 sorban

Attribute “name” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.

A(z) 50 sorban

Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “itemprop”, “property”.

A(z) 50 sorban

Attribute “alt” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

A(z) 50 sorban

The element “a” must not appear as a descendant of an element with the attribute “role=button”.

A(z) 66 sorban

CSS: “top”: only “0” can be a “unit”. You must put a unit after your number.

A(z) 69 sorban

CSS: “left”: only “0” can be a “unit”. You must put a unit after your number.

A(z) 69 sorban

CSS: “width”: only “0” can be a “unit”. You must put a unit after your number.

A(z) 69 sorban

CSS: “margin”: only “0” can be a “unit”. You must put a unit after your number.

A(z) 69 sorban

The element “a” must not appear as a descendant of an element with the attribute “role=button”.

A(z) 69 sorban

CSS: “top”: only “0” can be a “unit”. You must put a unit after your number.

A(z) 72 sorban

CSS: “left”: only “0” can be a “unit”. You must put a unit after your number.

A(z) 72 sorban

CSS: “width”: only “0” can be a “unit”. You must put a unit after your number.

A(z) 72 sorban

CSS: “margin”: only “0” can be a “unit”. You must put a unit after your number.

A(z) 72 sorban

Attribute “alt” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

A(z) 72 sorban

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

A(z) 88 sorban

Duplicate ID “Icons”.

A(z) 97 sorban

Duplicate ID “Subtract”.

A(z) 98 sorban

Duplicate ID “Icons”.

A(z) 102 sorban

Duplicate ID “Subtract”.

A(z) 103 sorban

Duplicate ID “Icons”.

A(z) 107 sorban

Duplicate ID “Subtract”.

A(z) 108 sorban

Duplicate ID “Icons”.

A(z) 112 sorban

Duplicate ID “Subtract”.

A(z) 113 sorban

Attribute “preload” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

A(z) 116 sorban

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

A(z) 116 sorban

Duplicate ID “Icons”.

A(z) 126 sorban

Duplicate ID “Subtract”.

A(z) 127 sorban

Duplicate ID “Icons”.

A(z) 131 sorban

Duplicate ID “Subtract”.

A(z) 132 sorban

Duplicate ID “Icons”.

A(z) 136 sorban

Duplicate ID “Subtract”.

A(z) 137 sorban

Duplicate ID “Icons”.

A(z) 141 sorban

Duplicate ID “Subtract”.

A(z) 142 sorban

Duplicate ID “Icons”.

A(z) 146 sorban

Duplicate ID “Subtract”.

A(z) 147 sorban

The element “button” must not appear as a descendant of the “a” element.

A(z) 150 sorban

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

A(z) 157 sorban

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

A(z) 160 sorban

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

A(z) 163 sorban

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

A(z) 166 sorban

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

A(z) 169 sorban

Duplicate ID “Icons”.

A(z) 170 sorban

Duplicate ID “Union”.

A(z) 171 sorban

Duplicate ID “Icons”.

A(z) 175 sorban

Duplicate ID “Union”.

A(z) 176 sorban

Element “div” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “role”.

A(z) 179 sorban

Bad value “>” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 180 sorban

Element “div” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “role”.

A(z) 182 sorban

Duplicate ID “>”.

A(z) 183 sorban

Bad value “>” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 183 sorban

Element “div” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “role”.

A(z) 190 sorban

Duplicate ID “>”.

A(z) 191 sorban

Bad value “>” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 191 sorban

Element “div” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “role”.

A(z) 193 sorban

Duplicate ID “>”.

A(z) 194 sorban

Bad value “>” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 194 sorban

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

A(z) 196 sorban

Duplicate ID “>”.

A(z) 197 sorban

Bad value “>” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 197 sorban

Duplicate ID “>”.

A(z) 200 sorban

Bad value “>” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 200 sorban

Duplicate ID “>”.

A(z) 203 sorban

Bad value “>” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 203 sorban

Duplicate ID “>”.

A(z) 206 sorban

Bad value “>” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 206 sorban

Bad value “Footer Logos” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 209 sorban

Duplicate ID “Footer Logos”.

A(z) 214 sorban

Bad value “Footer Logos” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 214 sorban

Duplicate ID “Vector”.

A(z) 215 sorban

Duplicate ID “Footer Logos”.

A(z) 219 sorban

Bad value “Footer Logos” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 219 sorban

Duplicate ID “Vector”.

A(z) 220 sorban

Duplicate ID “Footer Logos”.

A(z) 224 sorban

Bad value “Footer Logos” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 224 sorban

Duplicate ID “Vector”.

A(z) 225 sorban

Duplicate ID “Footer Logos”.

A(z) 229 sorban

Bad value “Footer Logos” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 229 sorban

Duplicate ID “Footer Logos”.

A(z) 234 sorban

Bad value “Footer Logos” for attribute “id” on element “g”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

A(z) 234 sorban

Duplicate ID “Subtract”.

A(z) 235 sorban

CSS: “background-size”: “Infinity” is not a “background-size” value.

A(z) 238 sorban

Összesen 104 hiba!

Flash tartalom
Nem található flash tartalom az oldalon!

Összesen 1 elfogadott szabály!

Nem találhatók framek az oldalon!

Összesen 1 elfogadott szabály!

A weboldal rendelkezik 404 hibaoldallal!

Összesen 1 elfogadott szabály!


<script src="/_nuxt/gk7qtwiq.js"></script> (0 bytes)

A weboldal nem használ túl sok szkripfájlt!

Összesen 1 elfogadott szabály!

A(z) szkript fájl nem található!

Összesen 1 hiba!


<link href="/_nuxt/entry.cd3y3vbo.css"> (0 bytes)

A weboldal nem használ túl sok stílusfájlt!
A weboldal 10 db fejrészbe ágyazott stílust használ!
A beágyazott stílus optimális méretű 805 bytes
A beágyazott stílus optimális méretű 1 KB
A beágyazott stílus optimális méretű 227 bytes
A beágyazott stílus optimális méretű 66 bytes
A beágyazott stílus optimális méretű 253 bytes
A beágyazott stílus optimális méretű 201 bytes
A beágyazott stílus optimális méretű 217 bytes
A beágyazott stílus optimális méretű 139 bytes
A beágyazott stílus optimális méretű 218 bytes
Remek! Nem található stílus a <body> részben!

Összesen 12 elfogadott szabály!

A(z) stílusfájl nem található!
A beágyazott stílus meghaladta a 200Kb méretet 303 KB

Összesen 2 hiba!

Kulcsszó (2 szavas)dbTitleDescHead
8072 128
8 09714l124
rule=evenodd clip4
in game4
12 0007z4
09714l12 80724
99609 84
6 00138l84
9528l11 14274
9769 104
Kulcsszó (3 szavas)dbTitleDescHead
18l15 9769 135
1427 6 00138l85
fill rule=evenodd clip5
rule=evenodd d=m12 80725
12 0007l8 996095
15 9042l11 14275
0486l17 12 0007l155
9769 10 9528l115
8072 12 0007z5
99609 8 09714l125
Oldalon található videók
Nincs <video> tag az oldalon

Összesen 1 elfogadott szabály!

Van faviconja az oldalnak!
A linkek száma megfelelő (29db)!
Links use descriptive anchor text!

Összesen 3 elfogadott szabály!

A linkek az alábbi helyeken nem tartalmazzák a hreflang attribútumot!

- <a aria-current="page" href="/" class="router-link-active router-link-exact-active flex" alt="igitems" aria-label="igitems">
- <a class="rounded-full text-white/30 hover:bg-white8040 hover:text-hollow bg-white105 duration-200 w-14 xs:w-12 xs:h-12 h-14 sm:h-10 flex items-center justify-center backdrop-blur-3xl relative border border-transparent">
- <a class="rounded-full text-white/30 hover:bg-white8040 hover:text-hollow bg-white105 duration-200 w-14 xs:w-12 xs:h-12 h-14 sm:h-10 flex items-center justify-center backdrop-blur-3xl relative border border-transparent">
- <a aria-current="page" href="/" class="router-link-active router-link-exact-active flex" alt="igitems" aria-label="igitems">
- <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="bg-peach-400 text-hollow px-16 py-10 rounded-xl cursor-pointer border-[3px] border-transparent flex gap-10 sm:gap-6 sm:flex-col sm:items-center xs:p-6 group hover:bg-transparent hover:border-secondary hover:text-secondary">
- <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferer, ,noopener" aria-label="Trustpilot">
- <a href="/post/best-brawlers-for-brawl-ball" class="flex shrink-0 flex-col gap-4 max-w-72 sm:max-w-full">
- <a href="/post/roblox-blox-fruits-tier-list-2024" class="flex shrink-0 flex-col gap-4 max-w-72 sm:max-w-full">
- <a href="/post/build-battle-and-win-a-comprehensive-clash-of-clans-builder-base-guide" class="flex shrink-0 flex-col gap-4 max-w-72 sm:max-w-full">
- <a href="/post/path-of-exile-2-cross-platform-support-and-multiplayer-features" class="flex shrink-0 flex-col gap-4 max-w-72 sm:max-w-full md:hidden">
- <a class="focus:outline-none focus-visible:outline-0 disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-75 flex-shrink-0 duration-300 whitespace-nowrap select-none font-bold rounded-full text-xs gap-x-1.5 py-3 px-8 text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400 bg-primary-50 hover:bg-primary-100 disabled:bg-primary-50 focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-inset focus-visible:ring-primary-500 dark:focus-visible:ring-primary-400 dark:bg-white/5 dark:hover:bg-primary-500 dark:hover:text-hollow dark:disabled:bg-white/5 dark:disabled:text-white/30 items-center w-48 flex justify-center" href="/blog">
- <a aria-current="page" href="/" class="router-link-active router-link-exact-active">
- <a aria-current="page" href="/?redirect=/dashboard/create-offer" class="router-link-active router-link-exact-active">
- <a href="/support" class="">
- <a href="/login" class="">
- <a href="/games" class="">
- <a href="/blog" class="">
- <a href="/legal/terms-of-use" class="">
- <a href="/legal/privacy-policy" class="">
- <a href="/legal/dmca-notice" class="">
- <a href="/support" class="">
- <a aria-current="page" href="/?redirect=/dashboard/create-offer" class="router-link-active router-link-exact-active">
- <a href="/support#faq" class="">
- <a class="w-10 h-10 flex justify-center items-center opacity-20 duration-200 hover:opacity-100" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferer, ,noopener">
- <a class="w-10 h-10 flex justify-center items-center opacity-20 duration-200 hover:opacity-100" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferer, ,noopener">
- <a class="w-10 h-10 flex justify-center items-center opacity-20 duration-200 hover:opacity-100" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferer, ,noopener">
- <a class="w-10 h-10 flex justify-center items-center opacity-20 duration-200 hover:opacity-100" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferer, ,noopener">
- <a class="w-10 h-10 flex justify-center items-center opacity-20 duration-200 hover:opacity-100" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferer, ,noopener">
- <a class="w-10 h-10 flex justify-center items-center opacity-20 duration-200 hover:opacity-100" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferer, ,noopener">

Nincs schema eleme az oldalnak!
Max Image Preview Settings tag NEM szerepel a forráskódban!
Nincs szerzője az oldalnak!

Összesen 4 hiba!

Inline css

- <div class="rounded-full opacity-10 fixed z-0 sm:hidden" style="background:radial-gradient(49.88% 49.88% at 49.96% 50.04%, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);width:1312px;height:1312px;left:-200px;top:-656px;">

- <div class="rounded-full opacity-5 fixed z-0 sm:hidden" style="background:radial-gradient(49.88% 49.88% at 49.96% 50.04%, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);width:940px;height:940px;right:-470px;top:-470px;">

- <div class="rounded-full opacity-10 fixed z-0 hidden sm:block" style="background:radial-gradient(49.88% 49.88% at 49.96% 50.04%, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);width:1120px;height:1120px;left:-560px;top:-560px;">

- <div hidden style="position:fixed;top:1;left:1;width:1;height:0;padding:0;margin:-1;overflow:hidden;clip:rect(0, 0, 0, 0);white-space:nowrap;border-width:0;display:none;">

- <div hidden style="position:fixed;top:1;left:1;width:1;height:0;padding:0;margin:-1;overflow:hidden;clip:rect(0, 0, 0, 0);white-space:nowrap;border-width:0;display:none;">

- <div class="rounded-full opacity-10 absolute -z-10 sm:hidden" style="background:radial-gradient(49.88% 49.88% at 49.96% 50.04%, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);width:1312px;height:1312px;left:-200px;top:-656px;">

- <div class="rounded-full opacity-5 absolute -z-10 sm:hidden" style="background:radial-gradient(49.88% 49.88% at 49.96% 50.04%, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);width:940px;height:940px;right:-470px;top:-470px;">

- <div class="rounded-full opacity-10 absolute -z-10 hidden sm:block" style="background:radial-gradient(49.88% 49.88% at 49.96% 50.04%, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);width:1120px;height:1120px;left:-560px;top:-560px;">

- <div class="mx-auto -mt-24 xs:mt-10 z-0 relative" style="max-width:1500px;">

- <div class="rounded-b-xl overflow-hidden w-full -mt-32" style="background:radial-gradient(296.82% 92.87% at 0% 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);">

- <div class="flex justify-center items-center py-4" style="background:url(&#39;/img/feature-pattern.png&#39;);">

- <div class="rounded-b-xl overflow-hidden w-full -mt-32" style="background:radial-gradient(296.82% 92.87% at 0% 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);">

- <div class="flex justify-center items-center py-4" style="background:url(&#39;/img/feature-pattern.png&#39;);">

- <div class="rounded-b-xl overflow-hidden w-full -mt-32" style="background:radial-gradient(296.82% 92.87% at 0% 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);">

- <div class="flex justify-center items-center py-4" style="background:url(&#39;/img/feature-pattern.png&#39;);">

- <div class="absolute opacity-10" style="background:radial-gradient(49.88% 49.88% at 49.96% 50.04%, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);width:560px;height:512px;left:-260px;top:-256px;">

- <div class="absolute opacity-10" style="background:radial-gradient(49.88% 49.88% at 49.96% 50.04%, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);width:560px;height:512px;left:-260px;top:-256px;">

- <div class="absolute opacity-10" style="background:radial-gradient(49.88% 49.88% at 49.96% 50.04%, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);width:560px;height:512px;left:-260px;top:-256px;">

- <div class="absolute opacity-10" style="background:radial-gradient(49.88% 49.88% at 49.96% 50.04%, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);width:560px;height:512px;left:-260px;top:-256px;">

- <div class="absolute opacity-10" style="background:radial-gradient(49.88% 49.88% at 49.96% 50.04%, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);width:560px;height:512px;left:-260px;top:-256px;">

- <div class="flex rounded-sm items-center justify-center mx-auto mt-48 relative" style="max-width:1500px;">

- <div class="absolute opacity-10 z-0" style="background:radial-gradient(49.88% 49.88% at 49.96% 50.04%, #fff 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);width:1120px;height:1120px;left:-560px;top:-560px;">

- <div style="display:none;">

- <div style="display:none;">

- <div style="display:none;">

- <div style="display:none;">

- <div class="nuxt-loading-indicator" style="position:fixed;top:0;right:0;left:0;pointer-events:none;width:auto;height:2px;opacity:0;background:#FFC6A7;background-size:Infinity% auto;transform:scaleX(0%);transform-origin:left;transition:transform 0.1s, height 0.4s, opacity 0.4s;z-index:999999;">

A weboldalon inline css található!

Inline CSS leírása

Összesen 1 hiba!

HTML tömörítés
A HTML kimenet tömörítve van! (0%)

Összesen 1 elfogadott szabály!

A weboldalon nincsenek táblázatok egymásba ágyazva!

Összesen 1 elfogadott szabály!

Elavult kódok
A weboldal nem használ elavult kódokat!

Összesen 1 elfogadott szabály!

A(z) <link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5" kódrészletben található color="" attribútum elavult!

Összesen 1 hiba!

User-agent: *
Disallow: /legal/terms-of-use
Disallow: /legal/privacy-policy
Disallow: /legal/cookie-policy
Disallow: /legal/dmca-notice

A weboldal használ robots.txt fájlt!

Összesen 1 elfogadott szabály!

A weboldal használ webhelytérképet!

Összesen 1 elfogadott szabály!


OnSite SEO

Oldal címe

<title>igitems - The gaming goods platform</title>

Karakterszám: 35 (Ajánlott: 50–60 karakter)

Remek az oldal rendelkezik címmel!
Remek az oldal címe 10-60 karakter között van!

Összesen 2 elfogadott szabály!

Meta - leírás

<meta name="description" content="igitems provides competitive pricing to the buyers driven by a free market economy while striving to keep the cost low for our sellers.">

Karakterszám: 135 (Ajánlott: 155–160 karakter)

Remek az oldal rendelkezik meta leírással!
Remek az oldal meta leírása 70-160 karakter között van!

Összesen 2 elfogadott szabály!

Szöveg/kód aránya
A szöveg/kód aránya 5%!

Összesen 1 hiba!


Összesen 29 kép van az oldalon!

Nem minden kép rendelkezik alt-al!

Összesen 1 figyelmeztetés!

A(z) "/img/icons/trustpilot-logo.svg" nem rendelkezik alt-al!
A(z) "/img/icons/trustpilot-logo.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/icons/trustpilot-logo.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/home/main-new.svg" nem rendelkezik alt-al!
A(z) "/img/home/main-new.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/home/main-new.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/buying-icon-1.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/buying-icon-1.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/buying-icon-1.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/buying-icon-2.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/buying-icon-2.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/buying-icon-2.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/buying-icon-3.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/buying-icon-3.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/buying-icon-3.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/selling-icon-1.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/selling-icon-1.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/selling-icon-1.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/selling-icon-2.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/selling-icon-2.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/selling-icon-2.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/selling-icon-3.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/selling-icon-3.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/selling-icon-3.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/home/how-it-works.png" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/feature-pattern.png" nem rendelkezik alt-al!
A(z) "/img/feature-pattern.png" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/feature-pattern.png" nem rendelkezik alt-al!
A(z) "/img/feature-pattern.png" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/feature-pattern.png" nem rendelkezik alt-al!
A(z) "/img/feature-pattern.png" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/feature-pattern.png" nem rendelkezik alt-al!
A(z) "/img/feature-pattern.png" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/feature-pattern.png" nem rendelkezik alt-al!
A(z) "/img/feature-pattern.png" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/home/start-bg.png?v=2" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/about-image.png" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/about-image.png" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/about-image.png" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "" nem rendelkezik alt-al!
A(z) "" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "" nem rendelkezik alt-al!
A(z) "" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "" nem rendelkezik alt-al!
A(z) "" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "" nem rendelkezik alt-al!
A(z) "" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/visa.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/visa.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/visa.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/applepay.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/applepay.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/applepay.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/mastercard.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/mastercard.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/mastercard.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/skrill.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/skrill.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/skrill.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/americanexpress.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/americanexpress.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/americanexpress.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/googlepay.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/googlepay.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/googlepay.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/sofort.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/sofort.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/sofort.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/bitcoin.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/bitcoin.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/footer/bitcoin.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!
A(z) "/img/igitems-logo-white.svg" nem rendelkezik alt-al!
A(z) "/img/igitems-logo-white.svg" nem rendelkezik 'width' taggal!
A(z) "/img/igitems-logo-white.svg" nem rendelkezik 'height' taggal!
A(z) "/img/igitems-logo-white.svg" nem rendelkezik 'title' taggal!

Összesen 79 hiba!

OffSite SEO


Összesen 27 link található az oldalon!

Befelé mutató linkek: 14

Kifelé mutató linkek: 7

Befelé mutató linkek

/ (link title)

/post/best-brawlers-for-brawl-ball (link title)

/post/roblox-blox-fruits-tier-list-2024 (link title)

/post/build-battle-and-win-a-comprehensive-clash-of-clans-builder-base-guide (link title)

/post/path-of-exile-2-cross-platform-support-and-multiplayer-features (link title)

/blog (link title)

/?redirect=/dashboard/create-offer (link title)

/support (link title)

/login (link title)

/games (link title)

/legal/terms-of-use (link title)

/legal/privacy-policy (link title)

/legal/dmca-notice (link title)

/support#faq (link title)

Kifelé mutató linkek (link title) (link title) (link title) (link title) (link title) (link title) (link title)

Összesen 26 elfogadott szabály!

A(z) / linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) / linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /post/best-brawlers-for-brawl-ball linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /post/roblox-blox-fruits-tier-list-2024 linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /post/build-battle-and-win-a-comprehensive-clash-of-clans-builder-base-guide linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /post/path-of-exile-2-cross-platform-support-and-multiplayer-features linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /blog linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) / linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /?redirect=/dashboard/create-offer linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /support linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /login linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /games linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /blog linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /legal/terms-of-use linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /legal/privacy-policy linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /legal/dmca-notice linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /support linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /?redirect=/dashboard/create-offer linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) /support#faq linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) linknél hiányzik a title=""
A(z) linknél hiányzik a title=""
Nem szerencsés ha kifelé mutató linkek vannak az oldalunkon!

Leírás a kifelé mutató linkekre...

Összesen 28 figyelmeztetés!

A(z) &lt;a class=&quot;rounded-full text-white/30 hover:bg-white8040 hover:text-hollow bg-white105 duration-200 w-14 xs:w-12 xs:h-12 h-14 sm:h-10 flex items-center justify-center backdrop-blur-3xl relative border border-transparent&quot;&gt; &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a class=&quot;rounded-full text-white/30 hover:bg-white8040 hover:text-hollow bg-white105 duration-200 w-14 xs:w-12 xs:h-12 h-14 sm:h-10 flex items-center justify-center backdrop-blur-3xl relative border border-transparent&quot;&gt; &lt;/a&gt;</a> link nem bejárható!
A(z) &lt;a href=&quot;/support#faq&quot; class=&quot;&quot;&gt;How to Buy?&lt;/a&gt; link nem bejárható!

Összesen 3 hiba!

Közösségi linkek
Talált social oldal - facebook:

FB leírása

Talált social oldal - instagram:

Instagram leírása

Összesen 2 elfogadott szabály!

Sajnos ezen még dolgozni érdemes. Weboldaladon rengeteg olyan hibát találtunk, amelyek megakadályozzák hogy a SEO-ból szép eredményeket érj el. Vedd fel velünk a kapcsolatot, hogy orvosolhassuk ezeket, és felállíthassuk SEO stratégiád!

SEO hírek, újdonságok

Keresőoptimalizálás cikkek SEO szakembereinktől, saját kutatásunk, gyakorlati tapasztalataink és külföldi irodalom alapján. 

További bejegyzések